The Fantastic Four

Deetz – Mr. Fantastic :

Being transformed by joining <Apex>, he has gained the ability to stretch his pvp skills into different forms of YT’s. His body knows no bounds and his back stabs reach across zones. He is rumored to have the longest dick in Norrath. But what he makes up for in length he lacks in girth. There is nothing fantastic about a stretched out elastic.


Victarion – The Human Torch:

A troublemaker, casual player, and flamer, the only thing fruitier than his taste in alcoholic beverages is his view from “behind” as he taps that backstab. After the accident and having disabilities now he has to cope with, and try to find a life after each drink – try to be as normal as he can. His fashion quest is on point, though, and can regularly be seen walking topless through Oasis of Marr.


Alexa – Invisible Woman:

Intelligent, independent and sarcastic, Alexa has the ability to create and manipulate DPS parses. This allows her to create force-fields and turn herself invisible. Many people, even those on her own team, wonder who she is though due to the fact that as soon the PvP starts she’s nowhere to be seen.


Muhh – The Thing:

Warm, sensitive, a loyal and protective friend, Muhh’s old body gives him super-strength and makes him “indestructible”. Muhh grew up an alienated child in a “tough” neighborhood and as an elder he celebrates others diversity. Though not the brightest bulb in the bunch, Muhh has been known to use his “bash” ability on other melees in an attempt to interrupt their “spell casting”



(Zeriphra’s Dagger of Blood is an exclusive <Apex> looted item on Red99.)


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